Our focus is to provide the tools and guidance to help our clients live a healthy life both physically and mentally through strength and conditioning training, education in nutrition and a balanced lifestyle.

We endeavour to create a community for all people, of all ages, and all levels of fitness, to feel welcome and respected in a ‘you against you’, motivating, fun, warm and friendly environment. 

Our aim is to help you create a positive day.

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  • We strive to deliver consistent and honest standards, offering a personal training service tailored to your individual goals in a group training environment run by experienced coaches who genuinely care about you, to ensure correct technique and to get that little extra push to help find the most in you.

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  • We believe equally in strength and conditioning training, for us being as strong as you can be is important, but if you are very strong and get out of breath when walking up a flight of stairs, we feel that is an unbalanced conditioning level.

    On the other hand, if you can run 5km in under 20 minutes, yet struggle to carry your shopping bags up the stairs, we feel that is an unbalanced strength level.

    Our strength programs are periodised into four-week blocks, mainly for injury prevention and to help clients build strength in all areas of their body.

    Block one is based around paused reps, which will encourage you to brace properly and help to create a stable spine in all major lifts which will help in injury prevention and to provide a strong and stable core.

    Block two will involve the time under tension phase which will help to strengthen the tendons around the muscles and joints that are being used. Again this is a crucial phase for injury prevention and is also used in the rehabilitation of any tendon injury.

    Block three is our power phase where we aim to increase load, increase range of motion or increase the speed of our lifts. Working at roughly 70% of 1RM has been shown to have the most benefits in terms of power output which is why it is essential we monitor what we are lifting week to week.

    Block four is our final phase where we build to a strength testing week with either a 1, 3 or 5 rep max on deadlift, bench, overhead press and squat. The amount you lift will help mark as an indicator for the next four-week block.

    Our conditioning sessions are designed to get your heart rate working at variable intensity to help build a higher lactic threshold and increase cardiovascular and lung capacity.

    Throughout the 7-day week there will be a balance of lower body (squat/hinge), upper body (vertical and horizontal push/pull), strength, conditioning and core. This ensures we create the right body balance which will help with your posture, wellbeing and training longevity.

    Your training can be tracked through the Keystone Health and Fitness App to encourage progression and accountability to training.

    Yoga will be available twice per week to assist with recovery and flexibility.

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  • New to training?

    A little nervous about stepping into a group training session for the first time? Maybe you have been training for a while, but just can’t get the hang of a particular movement?

    Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We offer 1-1 personal training sessions to help you gain that extra confidence you might be looking for.


  • At The Fit Co we will help you to gain an understanding of nutrition, and flexible dieting, so you can eat all the foods you love, and maintain a healthy balance in your lifestyle long term. We’re not into fad diets and quick fixes, it’s about fuelling your body with what it needs. Whatever your goals may be, whether you want to kick a few kgs, gain a little extra muscle or maintain your weight, we’re here to help. All of our members will receive a personally assigned coach to help keep you accountable, with access to regular ‘Inbody’ scans to track your progress, and ensure your nutritional energy needs are met and you feel amazing whilst achieving your goals.